Following the unfortunate attack on Saif Ali Khan, his children Jeh and Taimur, accompanied by their mother, Kareena Kapoor, visited him at Lilavati Hospital. Saif was attacked on January 16 at his residence in Bandra during an attempted robbery. During this challenging time, close friends and family have rallied to support him, with family members frequently visiting the hospital. Most recently, Taimur and Jeh had the opportunity to see their injured father for the first time since the incident.
Taimur & Jeh visit Saif Ali Khan at Lilavati hospital
On January 19, Saif’s family, including Kareena and their children, arrived at Lilavati Hospital to check on his condition. In a video shared by the paparazzi, the family was seen stepping out of their car and carefully avoiding cameras as they entered the hospital building, accompanied by their staff and heavy police security.
A brief glimpse captured one of the staff members carrying Jeh, who was reaching out to his mother walking behind him. After spending time with Saif, Taimur and Jeh were seen exiting the hospital alongside their staff.
Family Gatherings
Earlier that day, Saif’s mother, the legendary actress Sharmila Tagore, along with his sister Soha Ali Khan and her husband Kunal Kemmu, were also spotted arriving at the hospital. In one video, Sharmila was seen engaging in conversation outside the hospital, highlighting the family’s effort to support each other during this difficult time.
Arrest updates of the attack
In a recent development, the Mumbai police arrested a suspect connected to the attack on Saif. DCP Zone 9 Dixit Gedam announced that the accused, identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, is a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national who illegally entered India and changed his name to Vijay Das. According to Gedam, he arrived in Mumbai about 5-6 months ago and worked for a housekeeping agency in the vicinity before the incident occurred.